Sunday, October 02, 2005

Watering hole

I was walking in a forest. It was a big, west coast-style forest with tall pines that have big spaces between them for walking. There was a path too, through the forest and we were following that path. It was a straight track, I think of the "two wheeled road" variety leading off as far as the eye could see, through the ground mist and fog. The 'we' I mentioned was the group I was with. I don't know who any of them were, but I know there were men and women and we were all together, but how or why I'm not sure.

As we walked, I saw a woman coming along the same track, or maybe she was entering it from another track, I'm not sure now. She was tall and slender, beautiful, with short dark hair and big breasts. She was white, which I like to mention to distinguish her from the large breasted Asian woman S and I were discussing the night before. Anyway, this woman was wearing a pair of dark (dark blue I think) hiking shorts, hiking boots with the socks rolled down over the top, and a man's white shirt with the tails tied across her midriff. That she had been hiking for some time was obvious, and she seemed dirty, like she was covered in dried mud, on her clothes and skin. I say seemed because she didn't actually look dirty, but I knew she was.

She showed me a hole in the ground where she was coming to get water. It was a massive circular excavation, and the water was at the bottom of a 100' drop, churning around in a torrent. The woman had a small pail with her and I asked if this was her only water source, while thinking how tough it would be to get enough water to do her laundry, clean herself and drink and cook too, especially with that tiny pail.

"Yes and no," she said. "Kinda."

The only way to get water out of the hole was with a small silver cup at the end of a yellow rope. The woman hauled up a cup of water, and while I knew it should be of the crystal clear mountain spring variety her cup was filled with what looked like a double double coffee. I asked if that was safe to drink and she told me it didn't change the taste at all. I wouldn't let her drink it though. I took the cup and I tried to get water. Somehow the cup was at the end of a bungee cord so it would spring out and back. I was able to cast it out far enough to get back a full cup of crystal clean pure mountain water, which I drank. I then refilled the cup for her, and I think she drank it. I filled up a cup for my son, A, and he drank his, but it was slightly murky, with a hint of the beige that her original cup had held. I then drew several cups to fill her pail, again they started murky, but by the end were perfectly clear. She was very happy with this, with what I'd been able to do for her.

It tapered out here, and shortly thereafter I woke up.


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