Friday, September 23, 2005

Doctor's work

There was a dream before this one that dealt with a toy shop (my usual toy shop I guess) where I was spoiled for choice. About all I can remember were shelves and shelves of plastic dinosaurs in various primary colors.

Anyway…this somehow transitioned (quite seamlessly) into me lying on a mattress. It was a big mattress, and I wasn’t alone. I was lying there with two women, one on either side. We were all clothed btw. On my right was S, wearing I think her pyjamas. On the left was another woman, but I don’t know who it was. I remember her wearing black pants. The funny thing is that S was very hazy and indistinct. I knew it was her, but it was like she wasn’t really there. I also knew she was pregnant.

At the end of the mattress there was a doctor in scrubs and a mask who was urging us to come down. So we all scooched down to the end of the mattress (which was on the floor, or in the void or something like that) and he wanted us all close together. He was telling me to put my hip basically on top of the hip of the anonymous woman beside me, and then S would put hers on mine on the other side.

Once we were in position he started his “operation”. He came to me and told me to take my pants down (I was in what looked like white long johns) and that I’d feel a little “pinch” on my scrotum. My first thought was “OMG, this sounds like Andrew’s vasectomy!” but I knew it wasn’t a vasectomy. It was actually transferring S’s pregnancy to the other woman. S had become even more indistinct by this point.

I never got undressed, but the doctor must have done his work, since he held up a plastic tube. It was in the shape of a “T” junction, with clear tubes about 3 mm in diameter. One lead up from me into the junction, then the two top branches lead out, one to either woman. The tubes were full of my semen.

The dream faded out then into nothingness, and seconds later I woke up.


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