Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Not a dream

This one isn't about a dream so much as a discussion based on looking back at some previous posts, and perhaps even understanding what they meant and where they'd come from.

Okay, I want to start with this one. Look at Food Line from May 1, at the bottom of the page. I've known, basically since this dream that I would end up working for the "Anne" that was mentioned to me. But now, where I'm sitting, is in a training college that has exactly the kind of linesup and decor that I saw in the dream. Add to this the fact that while I've been here I got the email asking for a meeting to have me go and work for "Anne". Yes, I've applied to other things, but no, they've not panned out. Not even in terms of a meeting. But Anne? Her guy has gotten back to me in less than a week. Four business days to be precise.

Then there's this one. Look at Do I get a toaster? from March 3. At the time, I had no idea what kind of account E and I would be setting up together, or why either. But as it turns out, E and I do now intend to set up an account together, for a mailbox, so that we can try to find out some other neat stuff about the future and predictions and all that jazz. So what do you want to bet that I end up setting the thing up myself and phoning to inform her that I have? I won't say for sure that'll be the case, but there will be an "account" of sorts...

So what does it all mean? Does it mean that dreams come true? Can and have I been predicting forthcoming events? I don't know, but I do know there's a reason I've been having these dreams...and a reason that I've been recording them too. As for the rest, I guess I'll just wait and see what comes.


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