Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Performance art?

Everything is still quite fragmented. I don't know if last night's is due to the trip, or the sunstroke I got or what... All I know is that what I can remember involved me going to a party. It was a party at a house and the house was owned by Native Americans (Indians, sorry, it was the term I grew up with and it's how I still think). So the Indians were hosting this party, and I was there, for some reason. Maybe it was "invite a white guy" night or something. So when I got there, they were dancing in a semi-traditional fashion around the room. Then, when they were done, it was my turn. And so I with some other "outsiders" did the dance too. When we were done, almost all the indians had left (into another room I think), and we were there with one guy who was hosting.

My old friend Dave was there, and he was talking about something, telling a story maybe? He mentioned his late mother to me for some reason, but I'm not sure what now. Then the host got to me, and he asked me to "through words, physical action and body language" project the phrase "I'll return this practical kitty". Don't ask, I have no clue. Anyway, it was written so I had no context, no syllable stress, nothing. I thought a moment, threw up my hands in a gesture of exhasporated defeat and said "okay, so I'll return this practical kitty." Like I was taking back a gift that was really wonderfully practial, but was being rejected all the same. But at the same time trying to say that I knew they'd end up keeping it anyway. It got a giggle out of the host I think.

There was something more after that. We talked? Something went on, but it's all hazy now...

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Old clothes and radio contests

I remember walking. It was down by Toronto's waterfront, though it was like no waterfront in Toronto I remember seeing. I walked along, seeing old Victorian rail bridges, and old brick buildings, fallen into disrepair. Far from being ruins however, they were beautiful. I remember seeing one building that was surrounded by lush green trees, with a big pool of clear, cool water. I vaguely remember seeing myself, or knowing myself, wearing a Victorian suit, a black frock coat and a tall top hat.

Then I was in a meeting of some sort. I think I may have been chairing it, or else I was just in charge of the clothes. I was handing out roles to the folks around the table, and the clothes that went with them. They were again all Victorian clothes, military, civillian, religious. There was one there for me, and it was like a "governor" type role and coat. It was black and trimmed in black fur with a black cloth "crown" built in. The crown was a real crown too. It looked like a royal crown. I put the coat on, and it turned out to be a shoulder length cape-style coat. I marveled at how this could ever have kept anyone warm! But I was comfortable in it.

Then I was in the grocery store. I was in Ottawa, and I was reading something about how the CBC was going to carry Q107 from Toronto on the radio for a time on sundays. I told M, the girl I work with and who is also from TO, about it. At the same time I was on the phone to the radio station and they announced on the radio that I'd won a Macintosh. I was really happy to have won, but wasn't totally sure that it was me who'd won, even though I knew I had.

I have no idea what to make of any or all of this....

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Jedi night

Star Wars dream last night...how odd is that? I've not even been thinking much about SW, despite the fact that the new one is due shortly... Anyway, on with the program....

I was a "young rebel" aboard an X wing. I was riding in the R2 seat and The Man himself flying the fighter, Luke Skywalker. He was coming in for a landing on this planet. The place was a mess, with trees, crashed fighters half underwater...just a disaster. He landed, though something must have happened, since I knew we were trapped there, unable to get off the planet again. It was a deserty planet, and we entered a ruined city, looking for people and help.

While exploring the city, we met up with three "toughs" who were looking for a fight. I pulled my blaster, but it didn't work. They laughed and explained that it was because of the planet, technology like that didn't work there. So then it turned into a fist fight between Luke (not much) and me against the three baddies.

That raged on for a very short time before we were stopped by a black man in robes, with a grey streaked beard, who was *also* a Jedi. He took us all to a new location which was their "city" within the city. It too was still a ruin, but it was a "safe" ruin. Then he showed us a map to show were was safe and where wasn't.

Then things took a jump it seemed. I became the master, I was now the Jedi. I wasn't Luke, but I was in his position. I'm not sure if time had passed or not, not much I think. We were somewhere dangerous, one of those "not so safe" parts of the ruins, and we were being chased. I wasn't worried, I didn't feel threatened, but I knew something not so nice was behind us and we should probably get away. I knew I could handle it. It was more for the folks I was with that I was concerned.

I had with me a woman and the "little jedi" that I'd been earlier in the dream. We went through a fire door and were starting up a set of stairs. It was all rubble strewn and grafittied and the like. I was half way up the first flight, and calling back to the woman and little guy to hurry up, get moving please, you need to keep up. The little Jedi was just on the stairs, and the woman had only just made it through the door.

Then I was off the stairs and going down the hall. They were still back there, behind me, but I'm not sure where or how far. I was tearing down the rubble strewn hall to safety, when I was pulled up short by the black Jedi.

"Stop!" he said. "You've been infected! You've been infected and you don't know it."

It cut again, and we were now safely inside. The black Jedi was tossing down the head of a Naga (mythical serpent monster with a woman's head), which apparently what we'd been infected with.

"There," he was saying, "cut the head off and the rest dies."

And that meant we were safe. I didn't see the woman or the little Jedi around in the room though.

And then the dream faded out and I awoke.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Ocean’s Thirteen?

I was on a plane. I was one con man in a team of con men. We’d pulled our job and were now getting away with it. I was in my suit, but my jacket was off and tucked into the overhead bin. In my pocket was a bag full of stones that were part of our haul, and we each had one.

We landed, but we were also caught. They had us, just the ones who had done the job, march off the plane. I remember one of my colleagues saying “Guess we might as well leave our jackets behind, eh?”

Then we were at a luxury hotel. We were going to be put in on the third floor, where they could watch us while they tried to figure out what we’d done with the stones. It was like they were trying to catch us at something because they hadn’t yet. And I met the FBI agent who was watching me. She was beautiful, stunningly beautiful, and she was also quite sympathetic to my cause. At first she didn’t agree with me and what I was doing, but then quite quickly she didn’t see any problem with it. My FBI agent was E.

To cover my crime, since I knew they’d find the stone in my pocket, I took the most valuable one (it was a tiny chip, made of some sort of mottled orange stone), and crazy glued it to my toe. I knew they’d never find it that way, but that was the stone they all wanted.

So there we were at this hotel, and I had my personal guard in the form of E the agent. But she wanted me/us to get away. I remember us being somewhere in a big open area, and she gave me a great big hug which told me she loved me. And somehow that meant I was free! Me and two companions made a break for it. I remember us tearing downstairs (very luxy stairs too!) one of us riding the banister. And then we were out in the gardens around the hotel. I was with E the agent again, and it’s like she was trying to get away with me. We were watching back toward the hotel. I seem to remember us kissing. And then I was caught again.

Back upstairs, E was okay, she was still her agent self. They were still looking for my toe stone, and not finding it. Some guy was there, he was another cop, but nasty and near insane. And it was his job to find the stone and put me in prison. E was running interference. And the dream kinda kiltered out after that. It started to get very vague and dreamy, like the part I was supposed to see was over.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Food line

I think this one was work related.

I was in line for a buffet type thing, but it was a big long line up that stretched through this area that was almost a lobby type setup. The walls were wood, but that ‘60s kinda blonde wood with big chunky outcroppings. It reminded me of getting into a theatre at the Science Center.

So there I was in line with all these other folks, waiting for something. Something to eat? I’m not sure. But then I realized I didn’t have a tray. So getting someone to hold my spot, I went over to a steel buffet trolley to get my tray. The orange trays were all dirty though. They were covered with globs of something. I didn’t take those, but I did pick one that was nice and clean then went back into line.

One of the guys in line with me then looked at me and said “Anne,” pause, “my mom, she really needs your help.” And I knew who it was at work that he was referring to.