Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Home working

Two dreamlets of interest (and memory) last night.

The first had me working around the house. The house was actually a giant mansion. It was a big, beautiful house with a sweeping staircase leading upstairs past a big window. Outside it was grey and drizzly, but I knew it was still warm and nice. I was working on repairing or refinishing the stairs, and also a library, I was sanding the shelves and the stair railing, getting it ready for a new coat of color. E was there with me, just sitting with me while I worked, talking to me. I was really happy she was there, and I could tell that she was really happy to be there too. It was where she wanted to be, and we were just having a nice day together.

The two of us were downstairs then, and she was sitting on the rug chatting with me. We weren't living together though, and I knew she had to go home, so I was going to drive her. She wanted me to just drop her at the bus, but I wanted to take her all the way home. S was asleep, and didn't know E was there and it seemed like she wouldn't, and wouldn't wake up at the very least before I got back from taking E home. But at the same time, it was sorta like she was awake and aware, but didn't care that I'd be driving E around, or that E was even there.

Then I woke up from that one.

The other dreamlet involved me, hmm, somewhere, I'm not sure where. I had all sorts of fabric, beautiful white fabric. Silks, satins, that sort of thing. And there was a big, white, heavy, knit thing, like a table runner but not, with a point on the end and a tassel on the point. It was all wedding fabric, and I was making someone a wedding dress. I was being instructed by a woman on how to do all this. She said to take the runner thing and cut it in half. Then she took the runner half and rolled it up and stitched it, turning it onto a muff. The color also turned to blue, rather than white. The muff was perfect, and warm and would go beautifully with the whole gown I was making.

And that was it for that one.

As a comment, a muff apparently is a symbol for a "solid foundation for fortune". Putting that in context with the wedding dress, does that mean that I'm building a foundation for fortune for someone else and/or a realationship with another person?


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