Friday, February 03, 2006


A shortie from this morning...

I know it started before this but the first thing I remember is being in a garage. It was like the one at my dad's house, but this one was far more airy and had a window and stuff. I was talking to dad's neighbours, a husband and wife (not true, in reality dad's neighbours are a woman and her two daughters, the husband died recently). So I don't know what we were talking about but suddenly the husband says to me "well I'll have to watch you" in that I-know-what-you-want-to-do-with-my-wife sort of tone.

Then I was outside on a beautiful sunny, summer's day. I was looking at some sort of scale model, which had been built by Donna. Now, Donna was a girl I knew in high school and had a crush on and would've liked to have gone out with, had I had the nerve to ask her at the time. I haven't thought about her in *years*, so why she's suddenly showing up in my dream I'm not sure. Anyway, Donna had built this model as part of a test which was an entry in a contest for a show that was half Mythbusters, half Junkyard Wars. Part of the contest was this model, which would serve as a model for what they'd build on the show if you won. So, Donna was showing me her model, and we were talking about it, and joking around. For some reason she started to pretend to cry. So, playing along, I comforted her, she laid her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and we were both smiling and laughing even while she was pretend crying.

Somehow, however, it ended up that I was lying down and Donna was lying on top of me. We were fully clothed and everything, and it was nothing. But then her husband showed up with his friends. They were all in suits and they didn't seem the slightest bit amused. Her husband's face, in fact, was *beet* red. Donna didn't seem to think it was a big deal, but I knew it was. I even whispered to her "this looks bad", meaning our position. She didn't seem to care, and I knew she thought that she'd be able to straighten it all out, though I knew she wouldn't. I said again "this looks really bad". But still she didn't care, or even think it was particularly bad.

And that's how it ended, with her still on top of me. It was totally innocent, and joking around, but it sure didn't look that way to her husband, and I knew there would be reprocussions that she did not expect.

So where did Donna come from after all these years??


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