Saturday, April 01, 2006

E's not here

When is a dream without E in it a dream about E?

I've been having some very different dreams about E of late. Like the one the other night where we were in a forest in winter, and S showed up and started telling her off. And then I told S off, and to stop being to mean to E. But last night was even wierder.

I was invited over to E's parent's place, but without E being there. It was like it was intentionally that way, or the way it worked out anyway. E wasn't there, and wasn't expected.

There was a do of some sort going on, and that's why I was there. There were all sorts of older folks that I didn't know. The house was one I've never seen before in my life either, though it did have a carpet similar to the gold one I grew up on at home.

E's mom was nice enough, though was somewhat critical of me, but in that "caring" sort of way. It was while she was talking to me at one point that I remarked "oh I can really see where E got some of her traits from", but i have no idea what they would be or what I was really even referring to.

E's mom and dad were never together, though it was like they shared the same house in some way. He kept to his part, which was like a hobby store attached to the house. And for some reason he looked like Larry Brom, the wargamer, I don't know why, though. He was very friendly and invited me into the shop to look around and I think take what I wanted, though I'm not positive on this last bit.

I went back into the house, and the party was over, everyone had left or was leaving. I was getting ready to go, but E's mom kept pushing me to stay. It was late and she didn't want me to have to drive back to the city that late. I wouldn't get home until 2 am so she really wanted me to just sleep over. Home wasn't where I live right now either, it was somewhere else. And I got the impression that I was living with E. I felt that if I did go home, I'd see E when I got there.

I was still insisting on going home and that I'd be fine with the drive and the short sleep because I really wanted to just sleep at home, when the dream faded out and was done. I still don't know where I ended up sleeping.

The last odd thing about the dream was that I knew I'd tell E about it, and that when telling her I'd say it was both her mom and M's, but also her mom and dad's place. It was very strange, since in the dream I knew it was her mom and dad....but it was like her mom's M was layered overtop.

So that's how a dream without E, can still be about E!


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