Monday, February 27, 2006

The Source

I think that this dream from last night is actually a view from another place, a snapshot of another universe, to give me a glimpse of how this whole story would be unfolding under different circumstances.

I was working in a store, The Source, to be precise...y'know the one that used to be called Radio Shack. In this place I think it was still called Radio Shack. I was working there as a sales clerk, but it was a slow day and so I was spending my day doing some sort of artwork. Well, cartooning. As I was working, I saw my former manager where I am now (the one who disapproved of my lifestyle) going in to a meeting with someone in the office. I quickly made sure it looked like I was working when I saw him go past, but it didn't really matter since he wasn't my manager anymore, though he was now a department head or something for another store. When he was gone, I went back to cartooning.

I kept flipping back and forth between the store and some sort of post-officey place that I was decorating. In there I was putting green on the walls (as trim), using a honking giant pen. It seemed to be somehow related to the Radio Shack, but not. I'm not sure what to make of it. The post office reminded me of the SSA office in Los Angeles.

Back at the Radio Shack I watched the (former) manager depart his meeting and ignore me again. I went back to my picture because I needed to get it done. I was taking it with me when I went at lunch to see E. It was for her, or maybe just to show her, but it was important that she see it. I was taking her that and an job appliation for her to fill out. I think she was thinking about switching her job, to come work at Radio Shack with me. She was currently working in a different store in the mall, but wasn't happy with her job there. We would see each other regularly at lunch, but the idea of us working together was just too cool.

I'm not sure what I am to take from all this...except that maybe the same circumstances could (would?) be playing out in a variety of situations and lifestyles, for E, for me, for a variety of people in this world and life. The green too is interesting, since it ties in to the astrology book I'm reading that advocates the use of green highlighter to indicate important aspects. So is there an important aspect here? Something to do with E switching jobs? Or is it to highlight the importance of astrology in the whole picture? I don't know the answers to this, but the whole experience was quite neat, in a bizzare sort of way. It was sort of like opening a window and peeking into a somewhen else, and seeing both the familliar and the strange at the same time.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Scenes of domesticity

A chunk from overnight...
I was cooking something for dinner, for E and I, and it involved soup. I think it was some sort of crock pot meal, but the tin of soup I opened was the wrong one. I wanted a cream of something but this was bean and bacon instead. And unfortunately I didn't seem to have any cream of something in the cupboard. I remember something about a tin that had gone bad, but I don't remember what it was.

So I drove us to the store. And it wasn't just any old supermarket (I've been grocery shopping several times in dreams, but none lately), no this was the Loeb at Bank and Hunt Club. I drove the CRV into the lot (from Albion), found a space and parked. E and I went into the store. All we wanted was that cream of something soup to finish the meal, but she remembered a *ton* of things she wanted to pick up. We started getting stuff for her, I seem to remember something yellow, a pineapple maybe? And I quickly realized that the can of cream of something was long forgotten.

We were talking about something, I don't remember what exactly. E asked me "So what do you think that means?"

All I remember saying was something like "I don't know, maybe that you look at partners as possessions?" It wasn't meant meanly, or as a judgement or anything. More like part of an astrological discussion concerning second house matters.

She nodded to me. "Hey, yeah," she said, "that makes sense doesn't it?"

And things petered out after that.

So now my question is...where did this come from? Ok, yeah, we were talking astrology last night on chat...but there was no talk of possesions, no talk of crock pots, and the only talk of soup was the beef barley soup she made for dinner. And why is this two nights running of me dreaming of E and I in basically domestic situations with no great meaning or message or import? I mean, reading comics in our PJs and grocery shopping? Doesn't exactly strike me as messages from beyond.

But then again, maybe it's just wish fulfillment dreams. The desire to just have a normal life together, and do those normal things that couples do.

Like last night, no great meaning, I suspect, but I liked it all the same, and want to remember...

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Needles and I and more

Two items of interest here...

The first was a dream from two nights ago, in which I was giving myself (and possibly my spouse/partner who was an indeterminate woman) injections. 12 shots, one a month, and each one labled. But then it turned into bloodwork...12 withdrawls, one for each month. Then a visitor showed up at the door...and was standing out on a nice was like an old Victorian home, and she was there for her shots, or withdrawls, or whichever. And I had to do it...with a long pole thingy with the needle on the end.

The second was from last night. In that one, E and I were somewhere, and we were in our pyjamas. She was reading the comics in the paper, and I wanted to read them too, so she showed them to me one at a time after she was finished (yeah, that sounds like E ;-). As I was reading we were talking and I was telling her how tiny she was. She said no way, and I insisted. So she lifted up her shirt to let me see her waist. I wrapped my hands around her hips and held onto her saying this just proved how tiny she was.

I don't think this last one has any meaning....but I liked it...and want to make sure I remember it. :-)

Monday, February 13, 2006

White House Ball

I was at work, but not in my office, it was more like the public enquiries area at Heron, or maybe the library at Heron, either way it wasn't my office. E was there and we were doing...something, I have no idea what. But our chairs were important, they were related to some "historic" display/show that was going on the next day. There were even signs of some sort on the chairs, related to their history in the department.

We finished up whatever we were doing and then decided that we'd both go bathroom before we left (yeah, even camel-bladder) so we rolled into our respective bathrooms. I got out first (without chair now) and waited for E. While waiting, I looked at the books in my hand, and there on top was the one I was supposed to have, but I had several books on Nuremberg in French. I laughed to myself...obviously I'd picked up more than I'd meant to while in the bathroom, and I'd have to put them back.

E came out and I showed her the books and we both had a laugh about it. Then we were walking, at first outdoors, on a wooded path, like a university paved path, and there were nice old coach lights and an old house off the way. Then we were inside, and trying to find our way back to the "public building" from the one we were in, which had been for our "meeting". She lead the way up a set of stairs to get out to the next level up, but this looked more like a house, or a home of some sort. It was a nice place, obviously big and fancy and expensive. There was a closed door and we could hear girls talking behind the door. I realized it was the White House. E turned to me and said "It's them, it's Chelsea."

We bolted back down the stairs, both because we knew we weren't supposed to be there, and because the girls were coming out and going to catch us. As we bolted down the stairs though, I saw George W (or more like a cartoon version of him) below us. We then hurried to try and catch up to him. Down one flight, then down another, with him always below us.

On the lowest level, we came out into a ball room, and there was no sign of GW. But there were all sorts of young women in low cut ball gowns dancing around. E and I crossed the room, and I made some comment on not liking the gowns. E said something that I found really hillarious, and I hugged her, but now she was wearing a taffeta ball gown herself, but this was a nice one, much more suited to her and the event, whatever it was. We went to leave the room, and as we did so, I woke up...


I was in a high, antique bed, like my grandmother's old shaker spindle bed. I had to pee and so I swung out of bed. The bed was surrounded though, by antique wooden tables and easles and the like, all with these wooden drawer/arm things sticking out, and all getting in my way. I was making my way past them, pushing all the drawers closed and inwardly compaining that they were blocking my way to the bathroom. E (or was it S?) in the bed asked me something, and I replied that all was okay. As I was shoving an old wooden slide back into a table I realized that because all of these things were out it meant that someone (a servant) had been in the room earlier to let them out and I'd have to put them all back out in the morning, so that they'd be ready for the big show. The room was sorta pale creamy blue colored with light streaming in the windows, and it sorta reminded me of this room.

I was still closing the wooden slide, when I woke up for real this time.

Friday, February 03, 2006


A shortie from this morning...

I know it started before this but the first thing I remember is being in a garage. It was like the one at my dad's house, but this one was far more airy and had a window and stuff. I was talking to dad's neighbours, a husband and wife (not true, in reality dad's neighbours are a woman and her two daughters, the husband died recently). So I don't know what we were talking about but suddenly the husband says to me "well I'll have to watch you" in that I-know-what-you-want-to-do-with-my-wife sort of tone.

Then I was outside on a beautiful sunny, summer's day. I was looking at some sort of scale model, which had been built by Donna. Now, Donna was a girl I knew in high school and had a crush on and would've liked to have gone out with, had I had the nerve to ask her at the time. I haven't thought about her in *years*, so why she's suddenly showing up in my dream I'm not sure. Anyway, Donna had built this model as part of a test which was an entry in a contest for a show that was half Mythbusters, half Junkyard Wars. Part of the contest was this model, which would serve as a model for what they'd build on the show if you won. So, Donna was showing me her model, and we were talking about it, and joking around. For some reason she started to pretend to cry. So, playing along, I comforted her, she laid her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and we were both smiling and laughing even while she was pretend crying.

Somehow, however, it ended up that I was lying down and Donna was lying on top of me. We were fully clothed and everything, and it was nothing. But then her husband showed up with his friends. They were all in suits and they didn't seem the slightest bit amused. Her husband's face, in fact, was *beet* red. Donna didn't seem to think it was a big deal, but I knew it was. I even whispered to her "this looks bad", meaning our position. She didn't seem to care, and I knew she thought that she'd be able to straighten it all out, though I knew she wouldn't. I said again "this looks really bad". But still she didn't care, or even think it was particularly bad.

And that's how it ended, with her still on top of me. It was totally innocent, and joking around, but it sure didn't look that way to her husband, and I knew there would be reprocussions that she did not expect.

So where did Donna come from after all these years??