Sunday, May 28, 2006

E had to be "late"

The one I remember best from last night invovled being on board a cruise ship, somewhere with azure blue water, warm sun, and islands with white sand beaches. I was working (I think) on the ship, and E was there somehow too. But for some reason she wasn't supposed to be there. I had to help her, to "save" her, I knew, and the only way to do it was to bury her at sea. It was a fake, of course, but it had to be done. I remember her going out in a casket of some sort, tied to the ship by lines, and then she climbed back aboard by those same lines, and somehow no one saw her.

We sailed on a little longer, but for some reason we had to do it again. This time, it was someone else's burial at sea, but E had to be sent off again, out to the casket and back, and this would truly "save" her. I remember the casket was white, like a child's and I don't remember a body in it other than E.

In another from last night, I was visiting a clinic to get my routine test results back. The waiting room was crowded when I got there, but they called me in right away, much to the annoyance of the other patients. I went in to see the doctor, a woman, expecting to get told that all was well, take off, see you again.

Instead, she told me that there was a serious problem that would effect me for the rest of my life. I'd need to take my blood daily and take sugar pills too. She had taken blood from me already, and then was going to use a needle to take more, almost as a demonstration or something. I gave her my left arm, but she told me that wouldn't do, since she couldn't get a good vein. So I said go ahead and take it from the right again, I didn't mind. So she went in with the needle, next to where she'd already taken. It hurt a little, and I knew that this was not how it was supposed to be done, it should be alternating arms. I'd have to figure out how to make it work in my left arm somehow.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Dark office

From this afternoon's naps, there was a dream that really stood out. I know, how often do you dream in a nap? Well, I sure did today.

In this one, I was at the office, which seemed more like the layout of Cleo or something, but without any windows. And the walls were painted dark red. Not even a brothel red, more of a "house of blood" sort of red. It was ill lit with shadows everywhere but you could see well enough in the cubicles.

I was leaving a side room with more cubes in it, when I ran into E. She was in a short, summery dress, which was also in a red and black print. Not quite flowers, but quite busy. She was in a bouncy, bubbly mood, though she didn't say anything to me, just smiled and drank her drink. It was a can of something (likly Coke) but she was using a straw, which she doesn't usually with a can. Oh, and she was bald. Not totally, completely, but nearly so. The little hair she did have was short and whispy, like it was growing back in. The best way to describe it would be to comare it to how Diane's looked after her chemo ended.

E lead me down the floor, and she went into an office and sat down. I don't know if it was hers or what, but she plunked in the chair, drinking her drink and smiling at me with an enigmatic smile. And I think her phone rang or something, somehow I knew I shouldn't go in, and so I just left her alone there. As I was leaving I got a hint of a glimpse of her back when I first met her with her long hair in a ponytail. Then it was gone.

I headed back the way I'd come and there was an emtpy cube, with a Thomas the Tank Engine train track set up, and abandoned on the desk. I went into the office and there was a nice setup of plastic cars and tracks. I knew I'd been there for the setting up and that I knew how long it had been abandoned and untouched. The owner was gone and not coming back again. Someone came in and was talking to me about it, but I don't remember who, or what was said or anything. I just remember Percy pulling a bright yellow freight car on grey plastic track, for an owner who would never return, and thinking that maybe it was time I used it for myself somehow, in a game or something.


They always say to never leave a perfectly good airplane, especially when you're a good 5000 feet up. But for some reason, last night, that's what I opted for. I was flying along in the back of a plane, and there were other people there who told me it was my time to go. So I stepped up to the door, which was like a bus back door, y'know, step on the step to open the door type thing. I stepped on the step, the doors opened and out I went.

I wasn't scared as I fell, I was counting and enjoying the view of the houses. It was kinda like a view of a paratrooper in Europe headed down toward Normandy (or at least the movie version of it). I realized I was getting really low, and I'd better open the chute, so I did, and drifted gently down. Even the chute was like a dark green military chute in the old round style. I made a perfect landing on two feet, by the way.

After that I was met by my friend at work, Bob, who took me somewhere, and we were exchanging apples. Not fruit, but computers. He was giving me his Mac and I was giving him mine. I was using his, seeing what software he had and stuff, and trying to figure out why we were doing this. His machine was older but bigger than mine, and seemed to have less on it.

I'm guessing that this was technology standing in for real apples? And my skydiving was me "getting down to earth" about something?

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Change of leader

Okay, chalk up another leader. We've changed PMs here, and so of course I needed to have a dream about the new man in power. Thanks for dropping by Mr. Harper.

In this one, we were travelling somewhere together. I'm not sure where, but it seemed fairly casual. He was driving my car, and I was driving another car. For some reason he let the battery run down and I told him off for it. Something along the lines of "whenever I let you drive my car, you always run the battery down. Geez, what's your problem?" It was in good natured fun, and he took it that way, with a stoic embarassment.

I don't remember much else. But I find it so strange that I keep dreaming of leaders. Why? I'm with them in the dreams, but it's never anything serious or meaningful. Just me with them. I have no idea what to make of this stuff.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Bad egg and a ticket

I was shopping for a gift. I was trying to get something for E, in a sportswear store of some sort. I know, doesn't make any sense to me. E's not really a "sportswear" sorta girl. This was all running-wear and swim-wear and stuff like that. So I found something but they didn't have it in the color I wanted (even though it was that color on the one I found). I asked the two sales girls there for help, and I guess on their suggestion we tried to dye it.

They were making up the dye as a test, to see how it would go, using eggs. There were two eggs needed to make the dye, and while one was okay, the other turned out to be "bad". It looked okay and all, but they told me it wouldn't work, so I was out of luck for my present for E.

I was driving home then, kinda bummed, and home was a strange mix of here and now and there and then. I had to go past the Esso from here and now, and turn up the here and now street, but it was going to take me to my dad's place from back then. I was waiting to make a left, and when the light changed, it didn't go the way it normally would, and so I ended up going through a red light. My computerized car with the driver's license inserted into the steering wheel informed me of my violation and that my license sticker was now suspended. I knew that before I could drive again, I'd need to pay a fine. It was okay, I could spot the fine and no one would even know I'd been nicked, since the car didn't even tell the cops, but it was a royal pain anyway.