Thursday, January 19, 2006

On the Waterfront

I had this one two nights started in an empty Canadian Tire where I was shopping in the winter during a blizzard. I passed through there and was out on a bunch of docks over water.

They were all at differnt levels and directions like a video game and it was warm and I was in a swimsuit. I climbed thorugh all the docks, and there was a woman in a wetsuit who was going along with me. Finally I ended up climbing through a helicopter that was static and part of the whole complex and filled with tourists (it was like a warm beachy type area)

I started looking around for A, who was supposed to be waiting for me. I looked into a trash bin and there was his winter coat and scarf, and I "knew" S had taken him somewhere he wouldn't need them again (even though it was really really warm where I was).

And I woke up.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Had an interesting dream last night. It started out on a tall ship, one of the square sailed three masted ones that used to ply the lanes between the New World and the Old. I was coming to Canada, from Europe (England specifically). I remember little of the journey, just that there was enough of it to know about it. Then I was in Canada and living with my family, well my wife specificaly. I don't know who she was, just a blondish woman dressed like it was the 1700's. I was too. Red coat, waistcoat and breeches.

The place we were living was a quaint rustic house, that for some reason had a rock for one wall. The house was almost circular, built around this big rock in the middle, which had tree roots and stuff growing through and over it. The rock was actually more like Canadian Shield, living rock, that was part of the land.

The house was dark inside, lit only by candles and the fireplace. My wife made some sort of noise, and pointed to where a snake was coming out of the rocky root area. It was a big long snake and I saw that it was a rattlesnake. I was secretly kind of happy, knowing that a massasauga rattler was still around. It was dangerous, so I picked it up with tongs, but I knew it wasn't really dangerous to me. I put it back down again and let it crawl away.

The thing that strikes me about this dream was the rock. See, a few nights ago, I had a dream about building something and I was building it past (or around) Alcatraz, also known as the Rock. I even saw it on a map, where the boundary was past the bay where Alcatraz was. Okay, the geography was screwy, with Alcatraz actually where the SFO airport is, but you get the gist. So that's two dreams about living "around the rock". What the heck is this? What does it mean? What does the rock signify? Rocks are "committment or stability or a solid foundation". why am I "around" a rock? The rock is inside. Hmmm, so I'm taking the stability and solidity inside? I'm going to have to keep thinking about this one...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Home working

Two dreamlets of interest (and memory) last night.

The first had me working around the house. The house was actually a giant mansion. It was a big, beautiful house with a sweeping staircase leading upstairs past a big window. Outside it was grey and drizzly, but I knew it was still warm and nice. I was working on repairing or refinishing the stairs, and also a library, I was sanding the shelves and the stair railing, getting it ready for a new coat of color. E was there with me, just sitting with me while I worked, talking to me. I was really happy she was there, and I could tell that she was really happy to be there too. It was where she wanted to be, and we were just having a nice day together.

The two of us were downstairs then, and she was sitting on the rug chatting with me. We weren't living together though, and I knew she had to go home, so I was going to drive her. She wanted me to just drop her at the bus, but I wanted to take her all the way home. S was asleep, and didn't know E was there and it seemed like she wouldn't, and wouldn't wake up at the very least before I got back from taking E home. But at the same time, it was sorta like she was awake and aware, but didn't care that I'd be driving E around, or that E was even there.

Then I woke up from that one.

The other dreamlet involved me, hmm, somewhere, I'm not sure where. I had all sorts of fabric, beautiful white fabric. Silks, satins, that sort of thing. And there was a big, white, heavy, knit thing, like a table runner but not, with a point on the end and a tassel on the point. It was all wedding fabric, and I was making someone a wedding dress. I was being instructed by a woman on how to do all this. She said to take the runner thing and cut it in half. Then she took the runner half and rolled it up and stitched it, turning it onto a muff. The color also turned to blue, rather than white. The muff was perfect, and warm and would go beautifully with the whole gown I was making.

And that was it for that one.

As a comment, a muff apparently is a symbol for a "solid foundation for fortune". Putting that in context with the wedding dress, does that mean that I'm building a foundation for fortune for someone else and/or a realationship with another person?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Hockey night in Kanata

I was at a rink of some sort with several others. I think there were four of us in total. We were all skating on the rink, which was more of a track type rink than a hocky style rink, though none of us were skates. We were doing laps, and keeping pace, until the other three shot ahead of me and finished their laps first. They seemed far better than I, and I was sure I was done.

I finally skated over the line and the coach pointed to my feet and asked about my shoes. I looked down and saw I was wearing cross country ski shoes. My first girlfriend, S, was with me (though I'm pretty sure when she shows up she's an avatar for E - both were beautiful blonde little girls who looked similar in some ways, one I first met at that age, and one I only got to know much later, but I digress). I told the coach that I hadn't known we were going to skate today and so I'd be sure to wear more appropriate footwear next time. He let out a whoop and exclaimed "I'm going to the NHL" by which he meant "we", as in he and I. I had a stick in hand then and made a lame shot but it was with a brown wad of something rather than a puck.

Later there was something about me and S (I guess - but S as in E then iykwim) walking down a dark residential road. It was a small town but looked like the area off Vanier Parkway by the Rideau Club. It was 2am and we were waiting for a bus together, which drove up, and the driver went on break so we stayed on our bench chatting, bathed in the light of the bus windows.