Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Roman Around

We were in charge of defences for a fort. It was a strange round fort - well, oval fort – and I was the one in charge of the overall defence of it. There was me and someone else there to help me, and we looked at what we had available to us. The defences ranged from spider-looking metal ants up through legions of legionnaires. Which would work since my fellow defender and I were both Roman soldiers, dressed in leather and metal armour, and I know I was carrying a Roman short sword too.

The fort itself was, as I say, oval and made of white bricks, perhaps marble. But rather than a fort it was more like an oval wall about 6 feet high or so, with the hole in the middle being a grassy space down at ground level. The wall/path was maybe 3 feet wide, and the whole fort was only about 15 feet long.

My defence plan was organized so that it started with the spider/ants out at the far end and then the closer you got to me at this end the more “real” the defenders were. The first line started at the point where the inner oval ended, and I left the last bit of the fort open, so that whoever was going to attack could get that far only. I thought that an attack might come, but I didn’t know who, or when or how or why or that it even really would come, just that it was a possibility. But I also knew my defence would work. Of that I was practically positive.

No attack came in the dream, and there was none visible on the horizon, but I was prepared.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Buyin' things that go *bang*

I was at Loblaws. To buy explosives. I’d bought them once already, but now I needed to buy more. I don’t know why, I don’t think I’d used the first set, but they were gone somewhere, so I needed more. There I was, wondering the aisles looking at the shelves and locked cabinets labelled with what was inside (bullets, drugs, all sorts of neat and dangerous stuff).

Finally I found the one with the hand written tag “explosives”. Now I just needed someone to open it for me so I could buy what I needed. I know all my paperwork was in order, and I was legitimately entitled to buy the stuff. I guess I found someone, because the next thing I knew I had my needed explosives and was back “home” from my shopping trip.

Home was somewhere strange…I opened the door, and my ex’s parents were sleeping in the “living room”, which was actually like a striped durbar tent. Her dad woke up and asked me what time it was. I looked at my watch, a nice old pocket watch with big Roman numerals on it, and saw the time was 9:20. I told him so and then went into my room of the “tent”.

When I went in there things changed again, and I was now in an army medical recovery ward (in a tent, like MASH). There were all these WWII style uniformed soldiers there to recover and I was one of them. The whole scene was reminiscent of the brainwashing scenes from the original Manchurian Candidate. I was there being talked to by a doctor who was telling me I’d been injured (shot?) nine times in fourteen days (there’s that nine again). He also said I had something inside that I had to “pass through” or get out before I could be totally healed (and in my mind I got the image of a wad of paper, like it was lodged inside me somewhere and needed to get out).

I suspect I know what a bunch of this pertains to.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Aliens among us

It was one of those weird "I'm in it but I'm watching it" dreams last night. I was a captain of the space shuttle and my crew and I had been working for a long time to get ready for our flight. The crew was me, a woman (I think in the dream she was my wife, but I also think it was the anonymous blonde I've seen so many times, the one who I think is E), my son (yeah he's two, so??) and some other guy. We were all in these NASA-y jumpsuits, but I think they owed more to Hollywood than the space program in the end.

I didn't see the take off, but when I looked out the window we were in flight, but where I'd expected to see space I was surprised to discover we were only about 100' off the ground! We were flying very low and I think it was over highway interchanges.

Somewhere in here, I "saw" the ending of this "film" (it was like I was seeing a movie trailer), and there was someone in the Mission Control who was taking charge or something and everything worked out okay.

Then the real "shocker" came...turns out the "other guy" on the crew was really an alien! And he was out to capture us and eat our brains or make us slaves or whatever it is aliens do to us. So the rest of us were trying to escape the compartment we were in, I was shoveling the other two through a tunnel into another part of the ship, while meanwhile the alien was multiplying, he was now a dozen or more clones of himself. And all the while I knew everything was going to work out okay, because I'd already seen the end.

Then there was some strange aside about having to rescue a wizard who'd been captured by the aliens and was put on display or put to work for them, but it was in a stadium sort of setting. I saved him (it was a Merlin-y looking guy), but I'd saved him pretty much by just showing up there.

The next scene was back in the space ship. We were in some other compartment, safe for now from the aliens. My wife (the blonde) and son were, I knew, safely stowed in the compartment and the aliens couldn't get them. I was watching a black man having a shower, but I knew it was really me (if that makes any sense). He was shaving. There was a screen in the shower showing the aliens (who'd really multiplied now) and they were raving about how they'd get us, but I knew they'd never be able to make it to our compartment, they'd never find it on the ship.

It digressed from there but I don't remember any of that....

Thursday, August 04, 2005

E Equals...

It was a short dream from two or three nights ago. I was with S, my first girlfriend, and we were decorating. We were going through paint colors and for some reason, towels, in the bathroom. I was looking for a particular color. All the chips and even the towels had color names on them, but the names all started with “e”. They were things like “eLeaf” and “eWood” and “eSand”, all shades of brown too.

The thing I’m most not sure about is why S has shown up again. This is twice now, the first time she was moving in, and now we’re decorating. I must admit, I suspect that it’s not really S. I think that the “e” on all those color names was giving me a hint of sorts.

But why S? Is it because I knew her when she (and I) were little children, and she was a beautiful blonde girl, just like E? Is it because we shared something very close when we were kids, like the closeness that E and I share now? Or is there more to come for S? I’ve not seen her in years, though she lives in Ottawa (or nearby at least) and I have run into her twice on the streets of Ottawa already. Maybe I’m destined to see her again, though for what reason I can’t even imagine.