Saturday, July 23, 2005

Re-Building up?

In a dream last night I was in an old castle. We were building it back up, restoring it. It was an old castle, very old, mideveal or earlier and it had fallen into great disrepair. Specifically we were working on a tower, which seemed to be the main portion of things. I was a few levels up, but not at the top, which was a way to come yet. It was a big square open thing and it was very old looking, and ill-used, but still quite sound. I wondered why we couldn't just put something across the hole and use it to somehow go up, but then I realized that the floor wasn't solid enough yet. It needed a firmer foundation, more work, to be able to take the ascent to the top.

And then it was a break time of some sort. I was in a room that was like an office, but not. E was there, sitting alone in the corner. I went over to see her and we sat together. We had our arms around each other, holding tight. I held her, and she me, and it was warm and wonderful. I nuzzled her neck with my nose, and she nuzzled back with her chin. I ever so gently and softly kissed her neck. She said, quietly "I love you". I knew what that meant. Those are not three words she would ever say lightly. "I love you so desperately," I replied, and kissed her again. Then someone came in and we stopped.

It was Sue from work, and she wanted me to help her get coffee. So I went to help her, then it was back to work on the castle. The "lead archaeologist" was pointing something out in a tunnel deep beneath the tower where we were working by flickering firelight. It was writing on the wall, it was a song, in some old eastern European language. And he sang it, but it didn't make any sense to me.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

What's the news?

Two nights running now, I've had very odd dreams, that I now think might be some sort of a "theme".

Two nights ago I dreamed about a news report on CNN or something like that which was about people who had invented things from or based on Star Wars. The report was filled with video of people in costume showing off these inventions. My view of it alternated between a 'tv view' including on screen graphics, and a 'live view' where it was like I was really there at the "event" where these were on display.

Last night, I dreamed about a story involving some sort of scandal where Canadians were selling weapons or something like it to a country with the knowledge that they weren't going to be used as intended. I saw grainy footage of an interview with someone saying how the intent was to "take the money and get out". I think it might have been from the 70's. This all had started as a text story though. With some sort of line art showing a maple leaf in the middle of some sort of trench warfare. And I knew it was related to the lady at work B, who's from the Balkans, but that I was far removed from her 'now'.

It wasn't until A woke me up, and I was sitting with him to get him back to sleep that I realized what it was. I'd been reading the newspaper. It was some sort of article out of the Star. The line art was even Star style. I also realized that it was from the future. I don't even know if it's this future.

So I guess it remains to be seen, but if this scandal does erupt, at least I won't be too surprised....

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


E had a dream a while back...and in the discussion of it, I came to realize that I'd had what I guess you could call parallel daydreams long before. I won't get into her dream here, I'll let you find that if you're interested. But what I will do is list out my own mental ramblings and leave 'em here for posterity.

The point of my daydreams was to explore possabilities. It was all related to me writing but as a career not a hobby, and the "stuff" that goes around that. The one thing was about how writers always end up on book tours. In my imaginings I was in a Barnes and Noble (the one in Santa Monica if you'd like to know) to do a signing (and no this isn't egotisitical at all, even nobody authors like my old neighbour end up on book tours). And for some reason my mind decided to follow E for a while, since she was there with me, and off shopping for books. Her meanderings through the store eventually brought her back to the spot where I was sitting signing, and she stood there a while watching me from a distance. From where she was, she didn't think I could see her, but I had. Another woman approached her and started talking to her about me, and she played dumb like she didn't have a clue who I was. But then I finshed up what I was doing, walked straight over to her, with half the store watching, took her in my arms and gave her a great big kiss.

Another mental exercise involved me going on some talk show to publicise my book (yeah, complete ego, but then again visualization is important in realization, and I'm looking to do mass market bestsellers after all, not targeted niche stuff). And in the course of that one I talked about how E was my inspiration and my guiding light and how I couldn't do it without her support. And, of course, I said how deeply I love her.

Now these both (and they were the only two I "did" btw) end up paralleling her dream (at least to my mind) in a startling way. The other interesting thing to note is that I didn't really guide them. Now I know, it sounds dumb to say, after all it was my own daydream right? But I didn't. Set conditions for myself and then just let my mind wander. It was like the path was being given to me, rather than me setting it. I watched the story unfold for me, without directing it myself.

Another interesting thing is the fact that beyond what I've written here, I couldn't visualize more. It wasn't that I stopped, it was that I couldn't continue! When we walked out the door of that Barnes and Noble, that was it, over, done, finished. Even if I tried to direct it somewhere I couldn't.

And while I say it was the Santa Monica BN, it didn't look a thing like it. Go figure....

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Back from hiatus!

Yeah, I's been a while. All I really have to say is that the dreams never stopped. Honest.

This one (these ones?) are from a couple days ago.

In one, I was at work and a girl I used to know in public school was my manager. But she was announcing that she was leaving and wouldn't be my manager any more.

In a second one, someone was coming to visit. I don't know who it was, but it was someone, and I was waiting excitedly for their arrival. When they did show up, it was getting dark and they'd come in a moving van, and three friends from public school were moving stuff into the house (though not the house I'm in now). One of the three (the last one I saw) was my first girlfriend. I distinctly remember saying "hi" to her, and she said "hi" back.

I have no idea where my public school people are coming from...somewhere I guess but I couldn't tell you where....