Monday, February 12, 2007

CSI...part two

Okay, so it appears I have a new least in the dreamlands...

I was at work, and Gil Grissom was giving pointers to my PL, a lady named C, on how to manage the rigours of the job. He was giving good advice, and she seemed very stressed and upset at the whole thing, but still very receptive to what he had to say. Warrick Brown was there too, but it seemed more like he and I were working on something, with Grissom and C's discussion as a sideline.

I told them about how work's own Litheroy (another C) had just made CS1 and they were quite happy for him. Just then, that C stuck his head into the room we were in (it was like an office with several cubicles off of the main room).

"Hey, there he is," I said happily. "Congratulations!"

Warrick seconded my congrats. C didn't seem happy though. He actually seemed upset.

"Can I talk to you out here please?"

I got up and went out with him, and we went into Warrick's cubicle, since we knew he was busy in the other room. C started to say something, but then he didn't say anything. I stood there wondering what he wanted, and why he was upset and why he said nothing.

And then the dream ended.

As an aside, I just realized how close CSI and CS1 look to each other....I don't think there's any connection...but it is close.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Under Investigation

Two from last night, both with similar themes....

In the first, I was a CSI. Yes, that CSI. I reported directly to Gil Grissom, though I have no idea what I did, since I didn't do any forensic-y stuff while I was there. And the lab wasn't that sexy, low light (how do they see anything?) type deal. No it was all flourescents and government issue file cabinets.

I remember working at a computer, and there were lots of people around and behind me, watching and waiting to get onto the system. After I was done and logged off, I found out that the trace group (the ones who do analysis of trace evidence) had a warrent to get a screen shot of my system. They were investigating me.

I told Grissom, and he supported me 100%. He promised to get to the heart of things and find out what was going on. I talked directly to the head of trace and asked what they wanted and why. The answer I got was that they'd tell me once they'd gotten it. And that was that.

The second had something to do with me hiding in a basement while Gestapo types searched the upstairs of the house I was in. It was the 40's and there was a blonde with me down there hiding behind the furnace. Wasn't any house I recognized either.

The gestapo left having failed to find anyone home (guess they didn't search the basement). But then someone upstairs shifted a curatain which told them someone was home and they burst back in. The blonde and I kissed in that old movie "let's pretend we're together so they don't get us" trick. The Gestapo arrested us and the first question they asked was "are you married?"

"No," I answered.

"You should be careful if you aren't married," was the reply.

Then the Blonde said something to me about how we'd been to see these two movies. I could tell it was something to help us get our stories straight, but for the life of me, I'd not seen either film. I tried to say something intelligent but non-committal about the movies.

I guess we were released, because the dream then skipped ahead to sometime in the future, and I was in a jazz club. There were people cleaning the floors and they were complaining that the "signal" hadn't gone out. They waved an aluminum pan around and that was the signal for the resistance to act. Then these people came through covered in red cake icing. The floor cleaners all said "yeah, let's say that's just icing..." *wink*wink* I'm not sure if I was with the resistance or just in the wrong place at the right time...

Friday, February 09, 2007

Abandoned and together

I had two dreams last night, the first ones I remember in weeks....

In the first, I was living back on Southgate, but I was there alone. Well, alone except for I. He went to sleep and I left the apartment to go for a walk, get the mail maybe? So I was outside on the street when I realized I'd left the baby alone in the apartment. I tried to go back. I went upstairs, but couldn't remember the number of the apartment. And then when I thought I found it the floor was like a daycare and the door didn't exist. I couldn't get back to I for all the trying in the world.

The second started with S and I and some other woman. I only remember the three of us were in a bathroom together, in a club or a restaurant or something. We were all well dressed like we were out for an evening. The other woman was also Chinese and there was something about getting a pee sample in a cup. While we were in there someone else came in and thought we were having a threesome in the bathroom and we all laughed about that when he left.

We went upstairs and there was something going on. It was like a big celebration of some sort, and there was a man in a military uniform as the center of attention. I'm sure we were in China. S and I left the restaurant.

And then I was back in Ottawa and E and I were crossing bank street from K S pizza, going toward the Albion apartments. It was winter, there was light snowfall, and I was carrying a hamper of stuff under one arm. I remember seeing boots in there. E was wearing a long white coat, with a tie belt at the waist, very fashionable. We were talking happily and I got the sense we were 'together'. She was walking with her hands behind her back. I slipped an arm around her waist but she didn't respond, just kept walking and talking with her hands behind her back. I knew she didn't mind what I was doing, but at the same time, she didn't intend to respond either. We kept talking, and I think we were about to kiss.

And then, sadly, S woke me up.