Friday, December 16, 2005

Night of Adventure

I don't know what to make of last night. It was an "adventure movie" dream but I don't remember enough of the details of it to be able to pick out themes and meanings. At the same time I do remember enough of it to know it was more than just a nocturnal meandering, quickly forgotten, with zero meaning to me at all. It's in that grey zone that I don't quite know what to do with.

I was searching for something (well, actually I seem to recall it was a we, not just me...there was another guy, and definately a woman) and we kept following these clues. We ended up looking at a manhole cover, but then we continued on...until our clues ended up "magically" taking us back to that same manhole. And then every time we followed a clue to where it took us, there was something else waiting. At each destination too, the "clues" left were all very important things: books or paintings or things like that.

Finally in the end, we were somewhere, and I seem to remember some sort of scafolding or framework to one side, and we found the McGuffin we were looking for. It was a painting of some sort that was by "Renoir, Monet and DaVinci" (all three had done parts of it) and it was "proven" too, since we'd found other works of theirs along the way which had already been accpeted by the world at large. We celebrated our victory and success.

Then we found something else, some trigger, to help set up the sequel. It nearly destroyed the historical building we were in, blowing away 150 year old history for 400 year old history that had been hidden behind it! There was a pile of clues there, books, model houses, something labeled "Cerro Gordo" from the Mex Am war, and they were all clues, leading to a new and bigger destiation. The final tantalizing clue was something that indicated the path would end with the lost city of Atlantis!

I remember waking up at that point, but not wanting to, wanting instead to keep dreaming, keep following those clues, that path, to find Atlantis! I was fully awake and thinking "oh that was awesome! wow what a dream, I've got to remember that and write it all down" but even then I knew I wouldn't and couldn't.

But it was such inspiration. I so want to create a story that can be so exciting, so neat and nifty and clever as that one in my dream. And it made me think "I can do that -- because I did". Maybe it's just the way that the infinte has to get me writing more, because it certainly makes me want to!

Monday, December 12, 2005

What kind of cereal am I?

Why I'm a fruit loop of course!

And this will prove it...

Okay...I guess the place to start would be by reading this.

Now when I wrote this I'd not been to Dr G's Centerpointy office, I'd only seen him at the hospital. While I was sitting in his waiting room on Friday, however, the thought suddenly struck me...wait, I've dreamed about this. I remembered nothing of the dream's details, only that I'd seen him and that it seemed to have been in this environment.

When I did get in to see him, he had his laptop open on his desk and showing some sort of brain/spinal image on the screen. I didn't really think a lot of it at the time. And there was no "other doctor" there.

I was driving home after the appt, and thinking yup, I think I dreamed this, because like I said in the blog entry, it was night and snowy out and all that jazz. I remember when I dreamt it that I wondered why I was driving alone. Crossing Baseline though, I thought, no, this isn't the same, I'm not out in the country. Then I turned up Moodie and onto Timm road. Timm runs through the Stony Swamp and is *very* rural. It's like you're out in the middle of nowhere. That's when it really struck me...this is where i was driving. After getting back, I picked up A and we went to McD's for supper (with the neighbour's kids).

Okay, no it's not exact...but it just seems so close...It's been on my mind ever since.