Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Plaid and paid

This one started off outside. It looked a bit like York, north of the Ross building, near Steacie Science Library. Anyway, I met up with E, who was in a red plaid mini-skirt. (I know, obviously a dream). She was being very flirty and flipping up the tail of her skirt to show me her ass. Then she made a point to pull up on the waist of her panties to show them to me. They were white and had some sort of orange cartoon character on them.

Then we ended up at an office...it was like a combination bank/registrar's office sorta thing. We were there so you could change your payment schedule. I explained that to the lady at the desk, but she wasn't understanding exactly what it was you wanted to do. You were intending to reduce your payments from $110 a month by some amount, and you started to explain that, but then she produced a green hardcover book. Stuck inside the book was a document you'd put in to them weeks ago asking to *increase* your payments to $110 a pay. She apologized to you for not having processed it, and then added it to a pile to be processed. Then she handed you the book, since it was yours. It had a green cover with some sort of gold embossed drawing on it (a tree maybe?) and was a "spiritual learning" book that you'd loaned to her to read back when you'd put in the forms, which was how they'd been stuck in the book this whole time.

You were somewhat stunned at getting the book back, and at the increase in your payments, but at the same time you didnt' say anything to get them to change it either. I got the sense of almost resignation about it, that you were now stuck with your accellerated payments and that was that. You might have even said "well at least it'll pay my debt off that much sooner" (which sounds very you really). Oh, and I was standing there the whole time with my arm around your waist, and I think your arm was across my shoulders.

The dream was very explicit on the whole $110 thing too. The number stuck with me quite solidly. And the whole "debt" thing...it was explicitly a debt you were paying off.