Friday, April 18, 2008

My ship comes in...

I was at a seaside bar of some sort. It was closed, but I knew the owner, and he and his staff were getting the place ready for opening later on. It was a nice place, all wood and seaside motifs. The wood was all done in battleship gray. Now, when I say it was on the seaside, I mean it was *on* the seaside. It was basically on a rocky point with waves crashing about five feet from the place where I was standing.

The weather was rough, but that was okay by me, I actually liked it. Not really a storm, but like that, sorta. I remember low clouds, and that greenish-yellow color to the sky, just like before a huge storm breaks. For some reason that didn't concern me in the slightest. I was actually sort of looking forward to the storm, I liked the idea of it.

I dropped some coins into a dispenser device above the bar, in order to get a pair of binoculars out. The owner said something to me like "hey you don't need to pay for those, we'll give you a pair". I told him that was okay, I didn't mind paying, but that I probably wouldn't return them as quickly as I was supposed to, if that was okay by him.

I trained the binoculars out to water where there were lots of boats going by. They didn't seem much concerned with the coming storm either, since there were so many and they all looked like they were open craft. I saw one in particular, it was an open steam launch, with a big brass and iron boiler amidships. There was a sailor in blue at the tiller as the launch chugged across my field of view. It might have even been raining at this time, but I'm not sure.

The water was going very fast. It was like a river, the way it was speeding the boats along in the current. Very soon the launch was gone from sight. So I turned my attention to the left, to the direction the current was coming from, so that I could see other boats coming. The green water was full of ships of various sizes and shapes, all speeding forward. Then I saw the one I'd been waiting for, without even knowing I was waiting.

It was a big ship, the biggest of the lot. And it was a ghost ship too. It was white, and glowing; misty and whispy. A square-rigged warship with at least three masts. I heard someone say "Look at that! And she's got ten sails all set!" I looked, and sure enough, there was a forest of masts all covered with yards and sails set. And while she was going fast, I knew that she was on her way to me, to the point where I was standing. It was my ship, coming in for me.

And that was it. I never did give the binoculars back...